"Zero To DevOps" is Now Available for Pre-Order!

By securing your pre-order today, you’ll be among the first to gain access to this transformative course. “Zero To DevOps” is your ticket to unlocking a world of opportunities in software development and operations. From mastering Linux and Bash scripting to leveraging Docker containers and harnessing the power of AWS Cloud, this course covers every essential aspect of DevOps.

About The Course

Introducing “Zero To DevOps”: Your Ultimate Training and Course Manual for Mastering the Skills of a DevOps Engineer

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey into the world of DevOps? Look no further! “Zero To DevOps” is a comprehensive course designed to equip you with the knowledge and practical expertise needed to excel as a DevOps Engineer. Whether you’re a seasoned IT professional or a passionate beginner, this training course will take you from zero to a proficient DevOps practitioner.

In this engaging and well-structured course, you will dive deep into the fundamental concepts of DevOps and understand how it revolutionises software development and operations. From there, you will explore the Linux operating system and its command-line interface, enabling you to navigate the terminal with ease. Through hands-on exercises and real-world examples, you will gain proficiency in Bash scripting, empowering you to automate tasks and enhance productivity.

In addition, “Zero To DevOps” introduces you to the power of containerisation with Docker. You will learn how to build, manage, and deploy applications using Docker containers, ensuring consistent and reliable software delivery. The journey continues with Python programming and source control using Git, arming you with the necessary skills for efficient collaboration and version control.

As you progress, you’ll unravel the complexities of basic networking, acquiring the knowledge to troubleshoot and optimize network infrastructure. Harnessing the capabilities of the AWS Cloud, you will discover how to provision resources, secure data, and leverage serverless computing to maximise scalability and flexibility. Moreover, you will master the art of Infrastructure-as-Code with Terraform, enabling you to manage and deploy infrastructure effortlessly.

But it doesn’t stop there! “Zero To DevOps” guides you through the implementation of CI/CD pipelines in Jenkins, facilitating seamless integration, automated testing, and deployment of software. You’ll also find expert advice on crafting impressive CVs and cover letters tailored specifically for DevOps roles, as well as essential interview guidance and preparation to help you land your dream job.

With a thoughtfully crafted curriculum, practical examples, and comprehensive explanations, “Zero To DevOps” is the ultimate resource for transforming your skills and becoming a proficient DevOps Engineer. Whether you aspire to work in an enterprise environment or contribute to cutting-edge startups, this eBook will empower you to thrive in the fast-paced world of DevOps. Get ready to revolutionize your career—start your journey from zero to DevOps excellence today!

What's In The Course?

Intro To DevOps

You will learn the fundamental principles and importance of DevOps in modern software development and operations.

Linux & The Terminal

You'll gain proficiency in navigating the Linux operating system and using the command-line interface effectively.

Bash Scripting

By the end of this section you'll know how to automate tasks and write efficient scripts using Bash scripting.

Docker Containers

You'll master the concepts of containerization and learn how to build, manage, and deploy applications using Docker containers.

Python & Source Control

In this section you will develop programming skills in Python and learn the fundamentals of source control using Git.


You will acquire essential networking knowledge and troubleshooting skills for effective communication in a networked environment.

AWS Cloud Computing

You will gain hands-on experience in setting up and managing resources on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud.


You'll learn how to use Terraform to define and manage infrastructure as code, enabling efficient provisioning and configuration of resources.

CI/CD with Jenkins

Here you'll discover how to set up continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines using Jenkins for automated software delivery.


By the end of this section you will understand the concepts of configuration management and learn how to manage configurations and automate deployments using Ansible.

CV & Cover Letters

You'll gain insights and tips for creating a compelling CV and cover letter tailored specifically for DevOps roles.
Templates Included

Interview Prep

You will receive guidance on preparing for DevOps interviews, including common interview questions, technical preparation, and effective communication strategies.

"Zero To DevOps" is Now Available for Pre-Order!

By securing your pre-order today, you’ll be among the first to gain access to this transformative course. “Zero To DevOps” is your ticket to unlocking a world of opportunities in software development and operations. From mastering Linux and Bash scripting to leveraging Docker containers and harnessing the power of AWS Cloud, this course covers every essential aspect of DevOps.

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