What Is An Accoutability Group?

An accountability group is a group of people who come together to support and motivate each other in achieving their goals. The group provides a structured environment where individuals set goals and hold each other accountable for their progress. Members regularly check in with each other, share updates, and provide encouragement and support to ensure everyone stays on track.

In the context of learning skills for a specific career, like becoming a DevOps Engineer, an accountability group focuses on helping individuals stay committed to their learning journey. Members set learning goals, discuss challenges, share resources, and celebrate successes together. The group provides a sense of community and support, making the learning process more engaging and effective.

By joining an accountability group, individuals benefit from the collective motivation, knowledge, and experience of the group. It helps them stay accountable, stay focused on their goals, and overcome obstacles along the way. The group acts as a support system, offering encouragement, advice, and guidance to help each member succeed in their learning and achieve their career aspirations.

How Will It Benefit Me?

Learning Together

Joining a group helps you learn in a structured way. You set goals, track progress, and help each other stay on track.

Supportive Friends

You'll be part of a friendly community with people who have the same goals. They will encourage and motivate you throughout your learning journey.

Learning from Others

The group has people with different backgrounds and experiences. You can learn from them and get new ideas.

Being Responsible

In the group, you need to show that you're committed to your learning goals. You'll check in regularly and share your progress, which helps you stay focused and avoid slacking off.

Working Together

DevOps engineering is about teamwork. In the group, you can work on projects and solve problems together. This helps you practice collaboration skills.

Making Connections

The group can help you connect with others who want to work in DevOps. They can share job opportunities, industry information, and introduce you to people who can help your career.

Sharing Resources

In the group, you can share useful learning materials like tutorials and guides. This saves you time and helps you find helpful resources you might not have found on your own.

Building Confidence

Being part of the group allows you to develop your skills and see your progress. This boosts your confidence and makes you feel more confident in pursuing a career as a DevOps Engineer.

Long-Term Support

The relationships you build in the group can last beyond learning. You can continue supporting and mentoring each other as you grow in your careers.

Ready To Level Up?

Join your DevOps Accountability Group today and take your learning to the next level! By signing up, you’ll gain access to a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are all focused on learning the essential skills required for a successful career in DevOps. This accountability group is designed to provide you with the motivation, guidance, and resources you need to stay on track and make significant progress in your journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

What experience do I need to join?

There’s no experience of any of the subjects required. All I (and your peers) will ask of you is to come prepared to do the work and to challenge others to do the same. You’re all in the group for the same reason, to progress your learning and get you closer to that first Tech role.

What software is needed for the video calls?

The calls will be run on Google Meet which you can join, in your browser, with your Google account. If you don’t have a Google/Gmail account then you can dial in using your phone instead.

What if I can't make one/some of the video calls?

All calls will be recorded and uploaded as a private video on YouTube. This video will then go into a private channel in the Discord for you to watch at any time (even after the 12 weeks are up).

What resources should I be using to learn?

Mark has provided a DevOps Roadmap which lists everything you should know to get your first Junior DevOps Engineer role. For each of those skills he’s also provided the Udemy courses that he used to gain those skills.

There are no training courses or materials included in the accountability group other than the live stream sessions.

Couldn't I just do this on my own for free?

Absolutely! If you’re able to motivate yourself to learn every dayto achieve your goals then you might not want to pay for it. It’s worth adding though that having a peer group to call upon plus access to someone who has done it all before could be really invaluable.

Ready To Level Up?

Join your DevOps Accountability Group today and take your learning to the next level! By signing up, you’ll gain access to a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are all focused on learning the essential skills required for a successful career in DevOps. This accountability group is designed to provide you with the motivation, guidance, and resources you need to stay on track and make significant progress in your journey.